What is Sharon Benedict Day? Who Is Sharon Benedict? Why Is It a Day?
Sharon Benedict Day is a day the celebrates the hero humanity did not know they needed.
Free Sharon Benedict T-Shirt
We know, we had to read it twice as well. Believe it or not but you can claim you FREE Sharon Benedict t-shirt just by clicking here!
All we ask is you send us a picture of you wearing the t-shirt on Sharon Benedict Day. It can be worn wherever you want. In the garden, in the kitchen. But preferably out in public. So in the shops, down the pub, getting a coffee, in the service station on the way back from the in-laws. You get the idea.
Let’s face it, what else is there to do on the 27th. Well go on!…click…take a pic…and send.

What do you expect, it’s free!
No Time To Wait For Delivery? Then Make Your Own
Of course we understand that sometimes you simply cannot wait to get your hands on the most sort after fashion item of the 21st centenary. So we have come up with step by step instructions to make your own.